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Will not judge the bullshit for Natural Synergy - Expert Reviews

I will not evaluate bullshit for Natural Synergy. Because it will take your time. The purpose of this review is to determine the nature of Natural Synergy, and see if Natural Synergy is right for you.

Before continuing on to Natural Synergy, you can check it here:

Main content of Natural Synergy

1. The book is over 600 pages

Natural Synergy - book
The main content is not just acupressure:
  • Part 1 — Medicinal Science of Sound — 15 chapters of this amazing science and real-world examples of its healing power. 
  • Think for a moment. If you mentioned to someone in the 1950's that you could put a cup of water into a box and make it boil using only energy waves, they would have called you crazy. 
  • How about seeing a living child inside a mother's womb using sound waves to make the picture? Don't forget, there was a time when it was heresy to mention that the world was round. 
  • Part 1 explains everything you need to know about how sound works to heal the body and how you can use it to treat yourself.
  • Part 2 — The history and principles of Acupressure — 8 Chapters that cover everything you need to know about TCM and how to apply acupressure on your body. You'll see how to use it, the benefits of the technique and what to watch out for. 
  • Part 3 — Acupressure Treatments for Everyday Conditions — You'll see how to use acupressure to treat around 100 specific ailments and diseases from chronic pain to depression and anxiety. 
  • Part 4 — Glossary of Anatomical Terms — The glossary includes 31 terms mentioned in the guide, so you can easily understand each treatment.
  • Part 5 — Meridian frequencies (entrainment frequencies) — Live samples and diagrams for all 14 meridians in the body. Plus, there's a list of 4 Binaural Brainwave Beats, 6 Solfeggio Frequencies, and 2 Universal Frequencies (The Schumann Resonance & The Om Frequency). 

2. Special bonuses

2.1. Bonus eBook #1: East-West BP Balance — Acupressure for Regaining Healthy Blood Pressure (Value - $39)

 Natural Synergy - Bonus eBook
This 142-page goldmine of information is broken down in two parts. Part one is the Western view of naturally treating high blood pressure and part 2 is the Eastern viewpoint.

Some of the topics discussed include:

✔Acupressure points to harmonize the heart — p. 78
✔Acupressure points to relieve stress and calm the mind — p. 92
✔Super herbs and spices that fight high blood pressure — p. 48
✔Monitoring your blood pressure at home — p. 17
✔Acupressure points to soothe the liver — p. 89

2.2. Bonus eBook #2: Eastern Metabolism Miracle — Lose Weight While Eating What You Want Using Acupressure (Value $49)

Natural Synergy - Bonus eBook #2
This 79-page,Eastern Metabolism Miracle covers how you can control your weight using acupressure and metabolism boosting techniques.

✔Chapter 1 — What is Metabolism 
✔Chapter 2 — To Diet or Not to Diet
✔Chapter 3 — Reach Your Target Step by Step
✔Chapter 4 — Metabolism and Weight Loss
✔Chapter 5 — Acupressure for Weight Loss

Using acupressure, you can boost your metabolism, improve your digestive system, and balance your appetite while still enjoying the foods you love.

2.3. Bonus eBook # 3: Acu-Facelift Revitalizer — Defy Aging with Acupressure by Stimulating Youth Meridians (Value $29)

 Natural Synergy - Bonus eBook # 3
This 153-page eBook shows you the acupressure points to the three organs essential to a youthful appearance and overall wellbeing.
✔Chapter 1 — The Kidneys — the Gatekeeper of Youth
✔Chapter 2 — The Lungs — The Forgotten Fountain of Youth.
✔Chapter 3 — The Spleen — A Vital Key to the Beauty Puzzle
✔Chapter 4 — Putting Together Your Cosmetic Acupressure Routine.
✔Chapter 5 -— Your Daily Beauty Routine.
✔Chapter 6 — Five Fantastic Facial Masks from the Kitchen.

2.4. Super Bonus — The Natural Synergy App (Value $29.99)

Natural Synergy App

This bonus includes:
Information data - like the data in the old DVD, now data is placed in the computer hard drive. It includes:
✔Meridian bio-acoustics
✔The Schumann resonance
✔Beautiful sounds of nature
✔Healing Solfeggio frequencies
✔And binaural brainwave entrainment beats

Phone application - just like software, and you download it to your phone, then install it. The purpose to make the data work.

Check details of bonus information here: Natural Synergy - Bonus

Who is this Natural Synergy program suitable for?

No long lines! Just look at the features and uses of the program, you can know who Natural Synergy is for, and is right for you.

No long lines! Just look at the features and uses of the program, you can know who Natural Synergy is for, and is right for you.
But there is one important thing. Maybe you don't know, it's Acu-TENS. This is the term in modern acupuncture.
Acu: Acronym for Acupuncture and acupressure
TENS: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS or TNS)

Acu-TENS is a combination of Acupuncture and TENS. This is a research article: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) at Acupuncture Points - Why not?

How are Acu-TENS and  Natural Synergy related? 

Some people are currently taking Acu-TENS as an additional support for disease treatment. Acu-TENS supports curing many diseases. For example: Arthritis, back pain, migraine, etc.

However, most Acu-TENS users only know a few simple guidelines for acupuncture points. Therefore, this is an effective support program for those who are using Acu-TENS.

If you don't know about Acu-TENS, you can view some images via video:

How to use Natural Synergy Program conveniently and effectively?

What is the biggest obstacle to Natural Synergy Program?
All content of Natural Synergy is high quality. However, the Natural Synergy program has problems with some individuals.
Some people do not like self-acupressure, they often go to massage services to relieve pain and relaxation.

Solution to overcome difficulties for Natural Synergy Program with the cheapest price!

The video above is a small, inexpensive Acu-TENS. You can check it at Acu-TENS store: Acu-TENS - Electric Acupuncture Pen

Natural Synergy combined with Acu-TENS, there will be no more disadvantages.
In fact, Natural Synergy has a very high value. But because Natural Synergy has such a disadvantage, so the author of the program sells Natural Synergy at a cheap price. Bonuses for weight loss by Natural Synergy are much higher than those of weightless weight loss programs out there. I guess, after you buy Natural Synergy, the author will ask to sell a device of Acu-TENS form.

In my opinion, you should buy the author's Acu-TENS, although it may be more expensive, but buy it to support the author.

Natural Synergy is a very good program, it is constantly being updated by a group of experts (this group is members of large websites: Webmd, NCBI, etc.). You can look carefully at the official website of  Natural Synergy, you will see the program certified by WHO.
==> Natural Synergy 

1 comment:

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